Join the WSRN

WSRN Subscriptions
The WSRN is a cooperative of GNSS Infrastructure Partners. Non-partners may utilize the WSRN real-time services by applying for an annual subscription. Subscriptiuons may be for single logins, or for multiple logins (see the Application for WSRN Subscription for current subscription levels and prices). Subscription revenue is applied to the operational costs of the WSRN which includes software, support, network upgrades, training and outreach. The WSRN is a self-sustaining cooperative.

90-Day Test Account
If you are new to the WSRN, we encourage you and/or your firm or oganization to request a test account. This will provide you with 90 days to try out the services to ensure it will work for your needs before applying for a subscription or partnership. Note that a test account is a avialable one-time-only to each individual, firm, or orgnaizaiton.

To apply for a test account, email the WSRN via any of the addressses provided below. Indicate the day you would like the test period to start. And providce your main contact name, email address, phone, and your company/organization street address. Please allow the WSRN at least 2 business days to respond.

Application Process
Download the Application and Agreement for WSRN Subscritpion. Print the Agreement and Application. Be sure to indicate on the Application the number of logins requested, and also check and intial as such on page 5 of the Agreement. Sign on the last page of the agreement. You can mail the signed Agreement and Application to the address indicated on the Application, or you can scan and email to any of the email addresses below. DO NOT SEND PAYMENTS AT THIS TIME. You will be invoiced upon execution of the agreement after it has been recieved by the WSRN, and then you will have 30 days to pay the invoice (check only). Billing is handled by the Accounts Receivable division of Seattle Public Utilities.

An agreement exectuted before the 15th of a month will be processed with a subscription anniversary date of the 15th of that month, an agreement exectuted after the 15th of a month will be processed with a subscription date of the 15th of the following month. The initial invoice will be prorated to add days prior to the 15th. Annual renewal invoices will be issued one month before the anniversary date with 30 days to pay.

Amendment Process
If at any time you need to amend your account, to add or subtract logins to adjust subsequent invoices, download the WSRN Subscriber Agreement Amendment Form. Print, sign, scan, and email to the WSRN.

Cancellation Process
If for whatever reason you need to end your subscription, download the Intent to Cancel Form. Print the Intent to Cancel Form, sign and mail to the address ont he application or scan and email to one of the addresses below. The date that the WSRN receives and signs the form will be the cancellation date. The remaining portion of the subscription year will be prorated (to the anniversary date) and a refund will be issued.

Each login entitles the subscriber to access one stream from the WSRN servers anywhere in the state at any time (but not for concurrent streams from two or more devices, to do so requires multiple-login subscriptions).

WSRN Contacts:
Gavin Schrock, PLS - 206-684-5630 -

Hunter Eastman - Ph: 206-549-6286 -

Dean Huber - Ph: 206-233-7805 -

Forest McBrian - Ph: 206-514-0237 -